The first or second time I got a bagel (plain with cream cheese), the vendor held up a packet of jelly and said "Special, just for you" and tossed it into my bag. This made me giggle...(who puts jelly on bagels anyway?) but I appreciated the gesture. So from then on, he'd give me grape jelly, special, just for me. After a while, he stopped saying anything. He would just hold up the jelly so that I saw it, and toss it into the bag. I wanted to be like "Hey Bagelman, am I not special anymore?"
One day I showed up and before I could even speak, he just nodded, and reached for a plain bagel with cream cheese. That's when I knew that I had been eating too many bagels. Sadly, a new vendor showed up shortly after that and it has been several months since I have seen my grape-jelly-giving friend. I hope he is still somewhere in the city selling bagels and making people's mornings simply by saying "special, just for you."